Improve Your Productivity with a PBS Vehicle Design | Muscat

Improve Your Productivity with a PBS Vehicle Design

06 Jul 2014

Cart more product,  improved your turning circle, and have less tyre scrub with this PBS vehicle


PBS (Performance Based Standards) vehicles can give you a higher level of productivity.

In this example you can see a PBS vehicle that was created on out Inventor application. This is a Quad Semi. This will gross around 50.5 tonne, in comparison to a standard semi that grosses around 46 tonne. That’s approximately a 10% increase with this trailer design. What’s a little difficult to see from this angle as we zoom in is that the rear axle is a steerable axle. It’s designed to be steerable to minimise the scrubbing of the tyres on the road. It will actually give you a much better turning circle.

Tell Us what you need

Call (02) 4648 2101 or email us to tell us exactly what sort of trailer you need.

We'll let you know within 24 hours whether we can meet your deadline.